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Sunset on Solar Panels

MCS (microgeneration certification scheme - ) is a strict industry standard that is applied to small scale energy production (your solar pv system is effectively a small power station!) and is designed to maintain high standards in the industry and hence protect consumers. From the website ..



‘The Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) certifies, quality assures and provides consumer protection for microgeneration installations and installers. These consist of small scale renewable electricity technologies such as solar PV, biomass, wind, heat pumps and heat products.’

You should always make sure your installers are MCS certified (you can check on the website above) as eg if they are not then you cannot get paid by your energy company to export any excess energy you produce to them.

Having successfully undergone rigorous audits by scheme and regulatory bodies, showing our commitment to exceptional workmanship and dedication to services offered - MCS, RECC, TRUSTMARK


If you’re interested in learning more about our services, simply get in touch.

MCS: Services

Registered office address : 24 Bell Lane, Blackwater, Camberley, Surrey, England, GU17 0NW

    MCS Certification Number: NAP-71622

Bluesky Business Centre, 25 Cecil Pashley Way, Shoreham, BN43 5FF

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